



Support United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with proven impact-reducing Transition Technologies

UN Sustainable Development Goals icons on abstract blue-aqua background


在上个世纪,化石燃料一直是我们的主要能源. But the current approach we use to produce and consume these resources is not sustainable for the planet. As energy demand grows and net-zero emissions targets become key value drivers, we need to drive the transition to lower-emitting energy systems without compromising energy supply. The oil and gas industry will have a key role in addressing this challenge. That’s why we're committed to helping our customers reduce emissions and environmental footprint and to transparently showing the impact we can make together.

我们提供的技术已被证明可以 量化地减少影响 并为未来推动更可持续的决策.

Supporting United Nations Sustainable Development Goals with Transition Technologies


Our team of engineers have worked to quantify and prove the impact of our Transition Technologies. 要做到这一点, we developed a scientific methodology to consistently measure their sustainability impact on operations across the oil and gas value chain. The method enables us to identify and quantify the impact of current technologies and guides our development process for new ones.

Having a consistent quantification methodology is fundamental to our approach. 它建立在现有的行业标准之上, 的指导方针, 和数据(温室气体议定书), ISO 14040, and others) combined with those more uniquely suited to our operations. 它基于四个基本原则:


Many oil and gas stakeholders communicate sustainability objectives through an SDG lens. 我们的方法 categorizes the environmental benefits of our technologies and links them to relevant UN SDGs.

Our science-based methodology defines the environmental attributes of our technologies that correlate with relevant UN SDGs.
  • 减少营运排放
  • 促进高效率,降低能耗
  • Electrify infrastructure, minimize footprint, and enable access to renewable power
  • 测量、监控和评估操作以最小化影响
  • 使用清洁化学品,减少有害物质的使用
  • 减少污染,促进良好的水资源管理
  • 尽量减少作业过程中的浪费
  • 减少项目的实际规模

我们定义的八个属性更容易 启用影响量化 并促进将方法嵌入到R&维过程.


2021年,全国快3信誉最好的老平台承诺 到2050年净零排放 across Scopes 1, 2, and 3 in line with climate science and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. 我们的目标支持《全国快3信誉最好的老平台》的雄心, developed by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which seeks to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by pursuing efforts to limit global warming to 1.比工业化前水平高5摄氏度.



Our Transition Technologies address sustainability challenges and opportunities across oil and gas operations. This growing portfolio delivers solutions and quantifies impact no matter where you are in the hydrocarbon life cycle.

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    Build upstream oil and gas infrastructure with a lower carbon footprint

    减少油气作业的足迹. 视图

  • 生产 Facility image with abstract background and transition technologies arrows.
    Decarbonize operations by addressing large sources of greenhouse gases

    Start with a plan, the right technologies, and a partner you can trust. 视图

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    Leverage technologies and solutions that reduce GHG emissions per barrel produced

    离行动更近一些. 视图


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    nesteer CL ABSS可钻单趟井段和水平井段, 减少客户的钻机时间和碳足迹. 视图

  • Optiq 地震 borehole seismic solution avoided deferred production and reduced energy consumption.

    Optiq 地震 borehole seismic solution avoided deferred production and reduced a customer’s energy consumption. 视图

  • Retrofitting two wells as multilaterals avoided drilling two new subsea wells and additional infrastructure, 减少温室气体排放.
    案例研究:v r Energi避免建造两口新的海底井

    Retrofitting two wells as multilaterals avoided adding infrastructure, 减少客户的温室气体排放. 视图