

form - a -凝胶堵漏剂| 全国快3信誉最好的老平台-全国最大的快3平台



A shear-activated lost circulation pill for use when circulation loss is moderate to severe.


Form-A-Jel plugging agent serves to cure losses where cement plugs and conventional particulate lost circulation material (LCM) aren’t viable options due to bottomhole assembly (BHA) size limitations, 性能或时间限制. 该剂可减少钻井时间 being pumped through most conventional BHAs to eliminate tripping. The crosslinking begins immediately after nozzle shear to minimize wait time that would be required for cement plugs. 快速设定时间 ensures the pill solidifies inside the formation, but near the wellbore.


  • 符合任何尺寸的空隙.
  • Cures losses in large fractures or vugular formations effectively.
  • 泵通过常规BHA.
  • 与水泥塞相比,减少钻井时间.
  • 在30分钟内将塞子完全设置好.


The agent is shipped in kits with all the necessary products to mix 40桶[6].36 m3], except for the nonaqueous base fluid and water. A mixing pit with a low-shear paddle mixer or cement batch mixer is required on location to prepare Form-A-Jel代理.

The pill contains oil and water with a proprietary emulsifier, lime, and a blend of viscosifiers that crosslink after shear activation. 药丸可以 be formulated with either diesel or mineral oil depending on availability, 当地法规,以及对含水层的暴露.

Form-A-Jel代理 has a stringent mixing order and rate of addition 这是必须遵守的. 混合,泵送程序和放置 guidelines for Form-A-Jel代理 must be obtained from the online support and knowledge management system during the planning 阶段. Tanks and lines must be clean and free of any trace of water 混合前. 强烈建议5-bbl [0.8-m3]垫片 fluid be pumped before and after the Form-A-Jel代理 pill. 的间隔 应该由粘性组成吗 DUO-VIS 生物聚合物增粘浆 2磅/桶[5.7公斤/米3] mixed into freshwater with a funnel viscosity 大于45秒.

Prejob testing to confirm shear activation must be completed prior to pumping Form-A-Jel代理 to ensure downhole activation once the pill 已经退出了. 这包括一个低剪切稳定性试验 以及高剪切活化试验.


  • Requires a minimum equivalent shear rate of 80,000 s–1 across 用于剪切激活的钻头. 过程中应执行建模 the planning phases in conjunction with the operator and technical service in Houston to ensure the flow rates and nozzle selection are 足以激活. 钻头前应安装适当的喷嘴 to drilling expected loss zones to avoid an additional trip.
  • Needs specialized knowledge of the agent to ensure mixing and 泵送成功. 必须完成岗前培训 with the M-I SWACO representative(s) that will be on location for Form-A-Jel代理操作.
  • Crosslinks when excess water is added to Form-A-Jel代理 because 没有遵循混合程序.
  • Is limited to application in temperatures no greater than 250 degF (121摄氏度).


Bioassay information is available upon request. Form-A-Jel代理 should be treated as an oil-based drilling fluid for waste management 和泄漏或污染的目的. 本地废物管理 requirements for disposing of drilling fluids based on diesel or mineral oil or both and contaminated solids should be followed. 处理, an industrial chemical, wearing protective equipment and observing the precautions as described in the Safety Data Sheet.


form - a -凝胶剂以40桶为单位运输[6].36-m3)包. 每个工具包是 palletized in accordance with packaging guidelines. 存放于干燥处 location away from sources of heat or ignition.